Ic8 Auto Gt ErMW 1400
80x200cm- 🔌1400w- ⚖️80kg
🌳:16 Tall long taking plants 💡48 Evo
Up to 150grams per plant.
1/4 Faster harvests than Ic6 Auto.
Almost any size type of plant.
Harvest 2x 4x a month from cutting or every 10 days from seed.
About 1200 a month.
At least kg/ month
Up to 3600 every 3 months. More realistically probably 3200.
Meanwell drivers.
Samsung Lm 301 h Evo 3.2 ppfd
Advisable to include watering system since its alot of plants.
Watering system goes through a hidden network.
Not needed the side motor controller, you can moove the tray with the hand, however up and down is electronic. Model Ic8auto ER MW 1400 b has it.
Includes a powerfull and silent filter.
The filter in a way acts like an insect trap for flies.
Has integrated the new advances in ventilation and can handle the power with no problems.
Number of Leds: 48
Height 180cm-220cm
Width: 70cm
Stainless rails.
5 Year warranty.
Underpowered Leds/better performanc3
Simple, just bottons for main functions such as plant position.
Allready designed configurated and tested to provide the best results, no need of app.
For 1000 + be sure that your plants will grow optimum no matter what kind of pest.
More about your new Device and why you want it.
As a difference with Ic6 Dual this device is not restricted to any genetic. It allows 3x bigger pots and plants can easilly be 3x bigger.
Harvests can be weekly with great results, this is very confortable.
Produce on demand, allways have enough and never have too much.
You will have a cultivation space that is productive like 4m2 without looking like a breaking bad lab.
You can produce enpugh for ypurself and even produce delicassen. It can produce enpugh for several people.
Not having all the plants flowering at once can decrease considerably the smell.
A fresh product is 3x more valuable than one that has been stored for too long and some of the propeties are better.