Improved ventilation, thermodinamic disipation, Conectivity, construction and more.
60x120cm- 🔌200-800W. - ⚖️:35kg
🌳:12 plants+(3-6sprouting on cover)💡36
+Type A-B leds mix
+Free pots
+Mix of Leds, Cree, Evo (A+B)
+Free Carbon filter
+Extra bottons, tools and experimental LEDs
+Thank you card + Instructions in your language and user guide.
+Warranty + Costumer service
+Free Stickers
+ Exclusive VIP content, experimental features.
+Free Hybrid Kit + Free Beta Satelite kit for the next 10 orders!
This device has been designed for herbs and teas. The devices come properly boxed.
Has a production serial number and an identification Badge
Thank you Alot for Trusting and being part of Infinity Crop🙏❤️, Creating toghether the Coolest Grow Systems!🌿