Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be publishing the most frequently asked questions. What type of substrates or cultivation methods can be used? Do you use soil? Does the soil wear out? It depends. It is not good to use the same substrate especially in organic crops because the plant can get sick. Plants absorb their food from the soil and this wears out. Not all plants eat the same amount of the same things, therefore, in permaculture, soil is used to grow other plants that consume something different, it is always good to aerate and mix it a little. There are plants such as legumes, which contribute to fixing nitrogen to the soil from the air. -There are many methods of growing plants, numerous types of substrate, nutrients and irrigation. All or the vast majority of them can be used: Hydroponic, aeroponic, drip, aeration, and even aquaponics that uses fish or in water with air. You can grow in a "live" or inert substrate and even combine. You can use vermite, coconut fibers, whatever the plant you want to grow prefers. Organic or mineral fertilizers can be used. I will detail all of the above in more depth. The soil does get used up, and even get sick. It is highly recommended to use a fresh and healthy substrate every time, especially in organic crops when a monoculture is done. A substrate that has already been colonized by a fungus may not allow the plant to develop. In different types of organic circuits, the substrate, the roots and everything that is left over is fed to the chickens, which will return top-quality fertilizer to us. Difference between mineral or organic irrigation. Mineral irrigation is normally used by professionals, especially in hydroponic crops, where a solution is provided to the plant, with exact parameters, it does not contain organic matter. The PH, the electro conductivity, the humidity. NPK, micronutrients, enzymes... All the parameters are very important and also change as the plant grows. They can generate better results in terms of production, however, the possibility of making a fatal error is very high, being able to ruin an entire crop in a few minutes due to carelessness. InfinityCrop has developed models with specific nutrients in each of the phases to make the experience more comfortable and avoid errors thanks to the compartmentalization of the tanks. In organic irrigation, only water is used, or water with organic fertilizer. Normally, unlike hydroponic or aeroponic cultivation, a substrate is used that can be composed of organic remains, compost, animal feces such as horses or chickens, in proportions that, if possible, stimulate the roots and the plant. The advantage of organic cultivation is that it allows cultivation with a fairly large margin of error, and at the same time, the flavor can be more authentic (There are people who do not think this way). It is not usually the norm, but production is usually lower in most cases. (There are people who give so much love to their organic cultivation that they match the results) Plants tolerate excesses and deficiencies better, regulating naturally through the leaves. If watering is interrupted, the roots do not dry out immediately. There is no need to measure the pH, and the truth is, there is no need to worry about excess NPK either, the plants adapt. Mixed culture: You can combine all of the above. You can water an organic substrate with mineral nutrition. You can water an inert substrate with organic nutrition, especially with coconut fiber. We have done experiments with all of the above and the results have been quite satisfactory. Everything within certain limits because, an excess of mineral fertilizer in an organic crop can kill your plant, and especially abrupt changes. It is not usually done. ................................................................................................................................................................................ Daniel Hello! I have a couple of questions. Does the prototype have the ventilation system mounted? How many watts of LED have you put in? How big in cm can the most adult plant reach? I am very interested in your project. It is a shame that shipping to Germany is so expensive... How much does everything weigh in total? Because maybe I send it to Spain first and then bring it back. I have been looking at your page and if this does not work I will buy from you there. Obviously, this is much cheaper. Thank you very much, great work and take good care of yourself! Hello! I have a couple of questions. Does the prototype have the ventilation system mounted? How many watts of LED have you put in it? How big in cm can the most mature plant get? I am very interested in your project. It is a shame that shipping to Germany is so expensive... How much does everything weigh in total? Because maybe I will send it to Spain first and then bring it back. I have been looking at your website and if this doesn't work out I will buy from you there. Obviously, this is much cheaper. Thank you very much, great job and take good care of yourself! Answer The prototype has the ventilation system mounted. The total interior height is adjustable - 10 cm. (there is a reversible piece and an extendable one). With the new pots the plants can measure 35-45cm (from the base of the plant). It also depends because you can give more space to the plants below than to those above depending on how you configure it, you can get a little more or less). If you start using it from above and from seed, you will have 12-14 phases and the plants below can be larger. Maximum watts, around 400w (There is extra lighting mounted but it can be removed) In general, it works optimally with 250-300 watts, At maximum it is a lot of light and it is for cases with Co2 and such things. *We have added the option of 20 cm for the IC6S model, you can also combine small plants in the upper area and extra large ones in the lower area.
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